Monday, December 11, 2006

A not so wiggley Saturday

Saturday morning...we were all dressed and about to get into the car for the highlight of James' entertainment calendar - The Wiggles Concert at the Entertainment Centre. James has been very excited about this for weeks now.

I pick up the tickets and for some reason just happened to look at the date.

"Um...Kath, we are a week early. It is next weekend"

As soon as I said this, my mind went into fast forward mode to work out an alternative activity to suggest before James worked out that we weren’t going to the Wiggles for another week. Luna Park.

So we went to Luna Park.

Talk about a run down, expensive, boring place to go. I think we spent about $40 all up and the best thing James went on was almost the equivalent of a ride you can find at most supermarkets.

But, he enjoyed it and $40 (in my mind) was well worth the money to avoid a weekend of disappointment.


unique_stephen said...

We had a 2year olds party at "lollipops"; an indoor space cram packed with screaming kids.

unique_stephen said...

We had a 2year olds party at "lollipops"; an indoor space cram packed with screaming kids.

Adam said...

this is an old post now, so I am guessing the wiggles must have actually come and gone.... how did the new yellow wiggle do??