Thursday, November 23, 2006

Another day, another 5 tasks

What an exhausting day. We flew 4 tasks this morning (JDG, ANG, FON, JDG). The flight went for about 3 hours and a total of 48km. It was pretty hard work and we did not have much fuel left when we landed. The second JDG was about 25 km from the launch site and most people abandoned it. I had some troubles with my Angle (ANG) and was outside the pack, so I decided to abandon it and get as many points on the second JDG as possible. In the end I got 4km from the the JDG before fuel became a consideration. At the time of landing, I think only 3 or 4 balloons managed to get closer, so there should be some points in that task. This will make up for the other 3. My path (see image) shows what sort of steerage we had. There were a lot of long zigs and even longer zags.

Tonight we just did a MIN (minimum distance) in Utsunimya (by the river). I think I managed about 80 metres, which will put me way done the rankings for that task.

Last night was a much better result. I manage to (finally) get a marker within the arms of the cross (2m). It was good enough for a 5th place and 970 points. I then dropped about 80 metres for the PDG and picked up another 516 points.

So where does that point me in the scheme of things? Who knows, I have been slowly crawling my way up the rankings. Today might have done me some damage, but we will see. I am hoping to get into the 40s.

There is meant to be some rain coming in tonight. It sounds like it will be light, so we will probably get a flight in tomorrow morning. So 3 more flying slots left.

1 comment:

unique_stephen said...

Its good to hear that your 'luck' is improving. Rooting for you down here.